03-09-2023 CAC RRCN Specialty (NL) / Keurmeester: Mw. L. Flinterova (SK)
Jeugd Klasse
Slightly bigger but nice type.
Good masculine head.
Well balanced dog with good substance.
Good teeth. Good topline.
Ridge not tappering nicely.
Slightly shorter upperarm.
Excellent angulation behind.
Good feet, nice temperament.
Nice presentation.
4 Uitmuntend

05-08-2023 CAC Rotterdam (NL) / Keurmeester: Mw. A. Tarjan (HU)
Puppy Klasse
Good head, Kind expression.
Correct ears.
Good top and underline.
Correct ridge.
Good movement and tail.
1 Veel Belovend
Beste Puppy
27-05-2023 BRRC Ridgeback Specialty (B) / Keurmeester: Mr. T. Trinic (CRO)
Jongste Puppy Klasse
6 months old
Very good path of the head, good position of the ears
correct bite, strong neck
excellent topline, correct croupe
excellent rear angulation
excellent upperarm
excellent in the movement, excellent movement in the side
1 Veel Belovend
Beste Jongste Puppy